mY cousiN FloRa maE hahaha,',, pRetty woMan,',, looK anD be contenteD,',,
"MY sisteR anD mE" agaPe jaNe anD LothY kHe
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I always like walking on the rain so no one can see me crying.'.........
I cry when i pray,',,,
i let my tears fall down when i talk to Him.'....
it's the best medicine for my soul,'...,,
LoRd i offeR myLiFe to YoU.'..
How can an imperfect life with blemishes and scars reflect back to God a true gratefulness for His love? Jesus knows you are not perfect, but He also knows that you are made perfect in Him, if only you will come and surrender to Him daily.We will offer our life as a living sacrifice on Him.He gave the air so that we can live.He gave everything on us even the MIND.He gave us a freedom to think and to choose the right and wrong.So,lets gave back all the praises and glory through praising Him and adore Him.Lets prioritize God and make Him as a center of all.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Question#5:Research in the net the most recent assembler. Describe its history, nature and applications. Evaluate this assembler from its predecessor.
Answer:High level Assembler is the most recent Assembler supported by IBM. It is asuperset of Assembler H. An extended instruction set is available and willoperate under MVS/ESA and VM/ESA. Furthermore, debugging should be easierbecause diagnostics have been improved. Finally, several features have beenbuilt-in to decrease the assembly-time.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
LothY LoVe naTurE>>>>>>>iT'S pArT oF
oUr dailY liVes...,
uSe iT iN a GoOd waY,,..,,
carE iT aS yoU caRe yoUrseLf.....
tHankS..anD God bLess ....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Question#4:Justify what situations or applications programmers will rather use Assembly Languages than Higher Level Progamming Languages and vice versa.
Answer:I prefer high level programing languages because it has a strong abstract from the details of computer.It makes the process of developing a program simpler and more understandable with respect to a low-level of programming.
"WeLCome to mY bLoG"...... gUyzzz,,,, .'.thanks foR readinG i hope yoU learneD a loT of ThingS,',, i wanT to shaRe thiS for yoU.. "GOOD THINGS COMES THOSE WHO WAIT" by thE way iT's mE ................."kHe" '';
<"'I am LotHy khE V. Da-AnoY.18 yeaRs of aGe,..'sTudyinG aT RamoN magsaYsaY Memorial ColleGes anD TakinG uP BacheloR oF SciencE iN infOrmatioN TechnoloGy..',,I aM thE olDest daUghter oF thE familY,',,i Love My fRiendS anD most oF aLL mY familY,',,
a lot oF theM said that i am loOk likE mY mom,',, knoW thaT,,,,,=)
.'i aM a hAppY persoN buT knowinG
abouT thE thingS insiDe mY hearT,.'
there iS a biG spaCe whicH need to be Happy,',,
,',,I can sAy thaT i Am a GoOd peRsoN becausE Through mY frienDs i cAn sEe thE reaL Me,',,',FRIENDS IS THE MIRROR